hen I first started the charity a friend asked me the question, “Are you just interested in projects or people as well.” He certainly made his point through that simple question. Of course we are interested in projects but
it is people who are important and the way you treat them is of paramount significance. As a charity we have tried not only to support projects that will help relieve poverty and suffering but to also really invest well in people.
Canon Trevor Stubbs who is a friend of Bishop Gwynne Bible College in South Sudan told me about Remidio who is a student at BGC and needed help. Remidio comes from Ezo near the Congo border in South Sudan. The bishop of Ezo could not even raise the funds for Remidio’s transport home from the Bible College let alone pay for his first year’s education. Canon Trevor Stubbs said Remidio was bright, very popular and very talented. Your gifts enabled us to pay his first year’s education and transport home. I am told he is now very happy that he will be able to go home for the summer vacation. Your support is allowing us to sponsor 6 students at two Bible Colleges and 6 students at a teacher training college in Yei, South Sudan. So yes in answer to my friends question we are interested in people as well.