Thanks to our supporters we have just funded the release of the 30th family from slavery in the brick kilns in Pakistan. Shahzad Kamran, a key partner in Pakistan, has been used by God to help us release 29 of those families working as bonded labourers. He wrote:
“Brother I am very thankful to God that He provides angels to protect His people. Brother, you and your supporters are really angels of God who helps poorest and most needy peoples. Sabir Masih is free from a life of slavery and he is now living in his own house. His wife Naseem Bibi is also thankful to God and happy because their children do not make bricks anymore. The children are going to school without burden to make bricks. Sabir and his wife Naseem Bibi are very thankful to God and to those who set them free.”
We are now in the process of discussing the possibility to set the next family free.
In addition to setting Sabir Masih free we have this month sent funds for Saeedmaan brick kiln school for washing facilities / toilets for the teachers and children plus funds for tables, mats and an electricity fan.