Nadeem forced to make bricksI heard about an old man called Ghafoor working in a brick kiln. He had an invalid daughter called Bushara and a 10 year old grandson called Nadeem living with him and his wife in the brick kiln. Sadly Ghafoor died and his debt was transferred onto his invalid daughter and the 10 year old boy. Bushara and Nadeem now became liable to pay off the debt. This little boy was forced to make bricks for their survival.
Thanks to your generosity Nadeem with his invalid mother and elderly grandmother have now been set free. We will also make sure Nadeem is able to go to school.
Nadeem said, “Now I will go to school and will study colourful books with other children, I never wanted to make bricks I am so happy that now I will go to school”
Bushara his invalid mother said, “I never thought that God will bring us out from brick kiln, I always prayed to God for my son that he could live good life. And today I can see God amazing grace in our life that he set us free from slavery. I was very worried for Nadeem but was unable to do anything for my son. I am so happy that God brought us to the better life. Now my child will get his right to get education, we will work hard to give him good life.”