A Terrible Evil

By |2018-06-16T04:42:09+00:00November 27th, 2014|Brick Kilns, Pakistan, Persecution, Redemption, Sewing centers, Slavery|

Sajjid Masih and his wife Saima were brick kiln labourers working at a brick kiln owned by Yousaf Gujjat situated in Chack number 59, near Kot Rada Kishan, in Kasur district of Punjab province of Pakistan. They had 3 young children Salman, Sonya and Poona. The exact details are a [...]

What Is The Price Of Freedom

By |2018-06-16T04:50:58+00:00August 10th, 2014|Brick Kilns, Generosity, Pakistan, Redemption|

A young man called Shahzad has been an inspiration for us to become involved in the brick kiln ministry in Pakistan. So far we are supporting 6 schools,11 Sunday schools, a few sewing centres and so far set 20 families free from slavery in the brick kilns. I am amazed [...]

Clothed in Dignity

By |2018-06-16T04:52:53+00:00July 1st, 2014|Brick Kilns, Income Generating Projects, Pakistan, Sewing centers, Slavery, Women|

Many of you have expressed an interest in supporting vulnerable Christian girls living in Pakistan. These lovely gentle Christian girls often have to work in Muslim homes as maids where they are open to serious abuse. Your support has allowed us to help first of all in the sewing centres [...]

Are You Just Interested in Projects or in People?

By |2018-06-21T16:03:01+00:00June 4th, 2014|Pastor Training, South Sudan|

When I first started the charity a friend asked me the question, “Are you just interested in projects or people as well.” He certainly made his point through that simple question. Of course we are interested in projects but it is people who are important and the way you treat [...]

Are You Just Interested in Projects?

By |2018-06-16T04:54:48+00:00June 4th, 2014|Pastor Training, South Sudan|

hen I first started the charity a friend asked me the question, “Are you just interested in projects or people as well.” He certainly made his point through that simple question. Of course we are interested in projects but it is people who are important and the way you treat [...]